Procedures Required to Treat Infertility.
The process of thoroughly examining the organs inside the abdomen with the help of a laparoscope is known as laparoscopy. It requires small incisions through a minimally invasive procedure. This helps in thoroughly examine the pelvic cavity and the reproductive organs. The infertility specialist performs laparoscopy by giving a local anesthesia to the patient. The abdomen is then inflated with carbon dioxide or nitrous oxide that moves all the internal organs away from abdominal wall thus increasing the visibility. The laparoscope is then inserted through small incisions giving clear images of the pelvic reproductive organs. A similar procedure of hysteroscopy is also performed if the patient complains about severe bleeding. This procedure helps understand the reasons of excessive bleeding or to understand periods that are longer or heavier than normal, or bleeding between periods. However , this does not need any incisions. Instead, an instrument called speculum is used to keep the vagina open. Another instrument called hysteroscope is then inserted through the cervix which pushes gas or a liquid-like saline into the uterus. The expansion gradually helps in showing a clear image of the lining and the fallopian tubes.