Are you looking for the best IVF specialist in Delhi?
If you’ve ever been trying to conceive with your partner, you know that every month there is a new treatment option, but nothing provides the best results. So, how can you have a baby? If you’re having bad luck with fertility treatments, you need a professional to help. Dr Suyesha Khanijao, one of the best IVF specialist in Delhi, is a well-known expert providing the best IVF treatment. Before answering any of your queries, the best gynaecologist in Delhi, Dr Suyesha, will first do some research. She will thoroughly explain exactly what the IVF procedure will be for you. What results can you expect? And most importantly, what is the procedure, and what are the stages of the IVF treatment?
Best IVF doctor in Delhi
Infertility is no less than a curse for those who face it. However, not anymore! Many treatments, including hormone treatments, fertility drugs, and surgery, have significantly improved the chances of getting pregnant. In addition to these, assisted reproduction uses various medical techniques to fertilize an egg. There are lots of developments done in this field.
Dr. Suyesha at Angel’s Hope Clinic ensures to provide high-quality IVF treatment. She has been providing a ray of hope to couples using the latest technologies and treatment methods. By bringing forth the most reliable IVF Treatment center in Delhi, she has been able to help thousands of couples live the dream of their parenthood. No doubt, her contributions have made her the best IVF doctor in Delhi.

What is IVF Treatment?
IVF means in vitro fertilization. It is a procedure that involves the fertilization of a woman's eggs and a man's sperm cells outside the body, then placing the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity.

What is the process of IVF Treatment?
IVF treatment consists of a few sets of sittings with your doctor. When you first approach Dr Suyesha, she will take a detailed history of your medical records. Don’t forget to bring all your earlier medical records. Next, she will ask several questions about your routine. She will also do the transvaginal examination of the female. Once satisfied with all the detailed discussion, she will plan for you a complete follow-up considering the last menstrual period date and suggest you accordingly. It will definitely help you in getting the best IVF Treatment in Delhi.
To help you fertilize at the earliest, Dr Suyesha will introduce you to ovarian stimulation. It is a process by which she will help increase the number of eggs and improve the quality of the embryos. Ovarian Stimulation gradually increases the chances of success by injecting self-administered hormonal injections.
Routine transvaginal ultrasonography will be needed to track the response of these hormonal injections. Once the follicles are ready, Dr Suyesha ensures the safe retrieval of the eggs through a vaginal approach. This process is completed under anesthesia. This surgery, which needs no cut or incision, is the most important IVF treatment process.
Along with these eggs, a sample of the male’s sperm is taken on the same day and fertilized using a conventional IVF procedure. The development of these eggs is thoroughly observed under the microscope every day. After a period of 4-5 days, the best-fertilized embryos are transferred through ultrasound guidance, just like earlier, without any cuts or incisions. Any surplus embryos are saved (frozen) for future use, if any.

About Dr Suyesha, India’s top IVF doctor
Dr Suyesha Khanijao aims to give couples the greatest possibility of becoming a parent. After proper counseling, testing, and screening of every couple, it is decided what exact treatment is needed for them. Regular follow-ups ensure you get the best out of the best IVF doctor in Delhi.
Practising for more than 15 years now, Dr Suyesha Khanijao has brought happiness to many saddened families. Her experience in treating serious infertility conditions includes providing aid to several patients who have had recurrent IVF failures or miscarriages. Her clients include not only Indian families but people from abroad as well. With a recorded 80% success rate over 3 IVF Cycles, Dr Suyesha has earned a name and fame in infertility treatment. Her forte has been in bringing happiness in the lives of couples more than the age of 40 years. Females suffering from PCOS or endometriosis have also found relief at the hands of Dr Suyesha.
The entire team at Angel’s Hope Clinic, a unit of Sawan Neelu Angels Hospital, is geared up to give the best output for these families. Taking care of each and every individual, they have always concentrated on providing personalized treatment to every individual couple. The team together, under the guidance of the best IVF doctor in Delhi, Dr Suyesha has made the dream of motherhood come true for many.